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First, think.Second, believe.Third, dream.And finally, dare..jpg

Imagine that the next chapter of your life will be the best one yet.

What if you believed you could design it to be what you really want?

What would you then dare dream of doing? 

Isn't it time to turn your doubts into excitement?

It's the middle of your life, not the end of the road.

Granted, it's not always as simple as that. And some circumstances make it hard to...

LIGHTEN UP in brighten, radiate, and sparkle.

It's easy to feel footloose and fancy free when life's running smoothly, harder to do so when it's not.

Changes happen, and life gets heavy.

You've lived long enough to know that change is just the way of things.

But, even with all that experience, you can't get on top of these dragging feelings. Uncertain, unsettled, uneasy.

Knotted up, weighed down. Things aren't quite right.

Somehow the plans you made have little to do with what's actually happening.

Or maybe life's suddenly and uncomfortably TOO light. You feel obsolete, irrelevant, invisible. 

You're in the midst of a lot of transition. Maybe you've left your career. Maybe your nest is empty.

You've nearly forgotten what it means to

LOVE YOUR LIFE in delight in, treasure, and be enchanted by.

And don't forget the unicorns and cherry popsicles, right?

It doesn't always work that way, does it. 

You think you should have it all figured out by now. But you're worried about the unknown. Professional shifts, family demands, money fears. 

It feels like one big gap, this "time in between."

You're not who you once were, and you're not yet who you'll fully become.

You have permission to be curious about "What's NEXT?" That curiosity is what gets me up in the morning (along with the promise of hot coffee).

You could be ready to re-define what it means for you to

Live fullY

... as in entirely, wholly, and well.

A happy heart is our birthright.png

Want the total truth?

Living fully takes commitment.

You make a promise to yourself to let go of what was, examine what is, and decide what you want the "will be" to be. 

You may stumble, but that's where you'll dig. That's where you'll find the treasure.

The effort will be worth it. YOU are worth it.

If not now, when?


the best is not behind you. the best is yet to come.